How the Fear of Being Wrong Blocks Intuition


“It is through science that we prove, but through intuition that we discover.” Henri Poincare

ego wisdom
(Photo contribution by 9-year old Min, my daughter)

Have you allowed the fear of being wrong stop you from developing your intuition? You have been ruled by logic all this while and somehow, trusting your intuition is not something that you are used to. You are so afraid of making a mistake that you refuse to allow yourself to be intuitively guided. Your ego needs to know it is right for it fears being wrong.

It was exactly what happened to me. I have since realized that developing intuition is very much a journey. There was a time long ago when my ego needs things to be backed with concrete proof before I allowed myself to trust in a specific piece of intuitive or channeled information.

Recently, I became aware how letting the ego be in charge can affect my day. I was bothered by something that happened in the morning. However, as my Kundalini Reiki class was starting early, I did not have the chance to address my issues before I left home.

Well, during class and after one particular exercise, I refused to share my internal experiences. An unexplainable fear that the teacher would proclaim that I was wrong with what I have seen in my mind arose. I did not want her to think I was imagining or hallucinating these visions. Luckily, noting my resistance, the teacher did not press me to share.

For the attunement exercise that followed, I had to lie down and go into meditation.

To my surprise, during the exercise, I found myself hearing a voice (not the teacher’s) that said: This won’t Do! I tuned into the message that not sharing what I have seen would curtail my progress and development. Gulp!

And so, after the completion of the attunement, I braced myself. I let go of the fear of being wrong and proceeded to share my visions with the teacher.

Well, it was nice that she was able to later see the same images that I also had in my mind. So I was not wrong after all! And I was not imagining things!

My teacher also pointed out that beings do not necessarily appear for attunement exercises. I have been lucky and blessed that a number of ascended masters came to heal and support us during the sessions. With the fear of being wrong out of the way, I went on to receiving beautiful messages thereafter.

Overcome the Fear of Being Wrong

The incident had me reflecting on my fear of being wrong. I can only guess at the many times that I had ignored the flashes, impulses and messages on an everyday basis. I also thought of the times when I ignored the fragrant smells (yes….these are indications that I am not alone) that would weave through while I am writing or meditating. I also realized about how important it is to be in a positive vibrational state to start off my day!

So much for advising others about keeping the antenna up and becoming more intuitively and mindfully aware. I need to do the same too. There is obviously more that I need to work on.

Still, I need to pat myself on the back about having come a long way. Luckily I have not allowed the fear of possibly being wrong overwhelmed me. The fear has not stopped me from doing distance reading and healing work and receiving validation with many of the findings, for instance.

I am not a teacher on intuition or psychism. However, I hope to share three tips that have helped me in my journey towards enhancing mine:

Say Yes to Developing Intuition. It always begins with the first step. My journey started when I started paying attention to the world beyond 5 senses. One of the first programs that had helped me was The Silva Method. I later bought the Silva Intuition and attended Silva workshops too.

Work on Self-Doubt. What is useful to remember is that there are no “wrong” answers when it comes to intuition. Each of us could be tuning in to a different aspect of the vision or there could be a time lag that took place.

During the class, my teacher was not able to immediately affirm the same visions. And so, for a while, my ego dwelled on the thought that I was wrong. I was hit with pangs of self-doubt. It was one or two exercises later that my teacher had the same images and with details that corroborated with mine. Hence, the lesson is never be too quick to dismiss what we have seen in our minds!

Check in with your feelings. Guides support us with messages that are uplifting and positive. If a message appears fear-based, it probably comes from the ego. The ego also comes in when you start to analyze and apply your thinking skills.

Art of Allowing

“Intuition will tell the thinking mind where to look next.
Jonas Salk

The fear of being wrong can stop us from developing and enhancing our intuition. We have been schooled into believing that we need to give all the right answers. However, this belief can be paralyzing. The ego becomes in charge when this happens.

Instead, simply allow the images, impulses and signs to come through. Be guided by your intuition. Don’t apply your logic just yet. You can save this for later as you put the pieces together to decipher what the messages mean.

Love and Abundance Always,
evelyn lim signature
Author. Adventurer. Life Coach. More About Me.

Helpful Resources

1. The Silva Method – There are already 6 million graduates worldwide. This program has helped and influenced many great thinkers, creative authors and personal development coaches such as Dr Wayne Dyer, Jack Canfeld and Shakti Gawain.

2. Silva Intuition – This is the Silva course which covers more advanced practices and that focuses on enhancing your intuition.

Recommended Sites for Learning Intuition

1. Powered by Intuition – Angela Artemis has wonderful resources, including books and MP3s, on developing and enhancing intuition.

2. A Clear Sign – Julie Barrett has a new psychic course that is just released. Do check it out!

Share Your Experiences

Do you have a fear of being wrong? How do you overcome it in your journey on developing and enhancing intuition? Share your experiences in the comment box below.

Reblogged from The Abundance Tapestry

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